Education is one of the cornerstones of a child's future and the methods of teaching that are used will be instrumental in the absorption of the material being taught to a child. Teaching a child is a significant responsibility and requires both patience and dedication. If you are looking for ideas on how to effectively teach a child, follow these 5 tips:1. Use Multiple Teaching ApproachesChildren all learn in different manners. So, when you are working with your student, use a variety of approaches and activities for each session and each subject matter. Consider lectures, small group discussions, written assignments, videos or online trainings, and even art projects to teach.2. Be Well PreparedTeaching requires a substantial amount of preparation ahead of time. Ensure that you have well thought out lesson plans and activities that will engage the student in the learning process. Think about the message that you are trying to communicate and what you would like the student to learn during the session. Also, ensure that you have enough of the required materials and activities ready before you begin teaching.3. Use Audio and Visual Aids EffectivelyIn addition to the written assignments and lectures, use audio and visual aids to help students with the comprehension of the materials. You can be creative with overhead slides, movies and the chalkboard to break up a lesson and to emphasize learning objectives. Not only will these materials help to make the lesson more interesting to the students, but it will also work to improve retention and understanding of the subject matter being taught.4. Use Handouts and HomeworkHandouts can be a way to help students to follow along with a particular lecture. Some students learn well with a partially completed handout that requires them to pay attention to what is being verbally communicated. Also, homework can be a great way to continue the learning process and to enhance retention of the material taught during the classroom session. Choose homework that will test understanding and that will add to the material that you taught earlier. Reinforcement of ideas will help to improve academic retention.5. Check Consistently for UnderstandingAs you are teaching, be sure to check in with your student to ensure that they are understanding the materials. You can do this by asking open ended discussion questions, by engaging the students in group exercises or other interaction activities and by giving out short comprehension quizzes. Many students will not speak out if they don't understand a particular topic, so the more that you can check in for their understanding, the more effective you will be at teaching a subject matter.
About the Author:Rebecca Walker writes articles on child development. More articles written by Rebecca Walker related to educational software, education and learn to read which are available in the internet.Article Source:
Kamis, 18 September 2008
Writing lesson plan
Writing lesson plan
Aside from the grade level, writing lesson plans generally follows a format much like the outline below. While different teachers - and curricula - alter the format somewhat, the basics are the same.OverviewThis section contains the subject matter and an assessment of how much ground the class has covered in the topic area. The overview addresses the importance of the lesson within the context of the subject matter. It the topic is Supreme Court decisions, the overview might discuss the impact of high court decisions on everyday Americans.
PurposeThis section defines the overall goal of the lesson, both mandated academic requirements and actual educational value. Writing lesson plans should always include both elements, but it is important that the mandated goal not overshadow the learning involved.
* Personalize the educational goal. Write the lesson plan to define your purpose for each student: 'Every student will understand the importance of the First Amendment within the context of his personal life and the context of any professional goals he might have.'
ObjectiveThe objective defines the activities to be completed and the learning to be accomplished. The students will have examined ten Supreme Court decisions and discussed their constitutional impact. They will have learned the manner in which cases come to the court, and impact that rulings have on current statutory law.
* Provide an example drawn from real life. Discuss how a civil rights decision forced dozens of states to rewrite school requirements. Writing lesson plans should include drama provided by dynamic examples.
Resources/ MaterialsWhen writing lesson plans every teacher lays out the material requirements for the lesson to be taught. This includes textbooks, specific library access requirements, any multimedia tools to be employed, and current events materials such as newspapers or magazines.
Kamis, 11 September 2008
MA Negeri I
MA Negeri 1 Lubuklinggau mulai berdiri tahun 1978, merupakan peralihan dari Sekolah Persiapan Institut AGama Islam Negeri (SP IAIN) Raden Fatah Palembang berdasarkan Surat Keputusan (SK) Kelembagaan Nomor : 1711975 tanggal 16 Maret 1978 dengan luas tanah 3656 meter persegi, dan Nomor Statistik Madrasah : 311160572009. Pada Tahun Pelajaran 2002/2003 Team PPM (Pusat Pengembangan Madrasah) yang diketuai oleh Prof. Dr. Waspodo mengadakan survey kelayakan MA Negeri 1Lubuklinggau untuk dijadikan Ma Negeri Model. Hasil survey tersebut mulai tahun pelajaran 2003/2004 Kepala Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama Propinsi Sumatera Selatan menetapkan MA Negeri 1 Lubuklinggau menjadi salah satu MA Negeri Model di Sumatera Selatan dengan Surat Keputusan Kepala Kantor Wilayah Departemen Agama Propinsi Sumatera Selatan Nomor : Wf/6-a/Kpts/PP.03.2/1362/2003 tanggal 17 April 2003. Dengan demikian, mulai Tahun Pelajaran 2003/2004 MA Negeri 1 (Model) Lubuklinggau mengemban tugas yang lebih berat sekaligus mulia sebagai salah satu MA Negeri Model di Propinsi Sumatera Selatan.
Selasa, 09 September 2008
Silabus Al Quran Hadits
Untuk mengajar memerlukan perangkat dan media yang diperlukan sesuai dengan mata pelajran yang diajarkan. Agar proses mengajar lebih terarah dan dikendalikan oleh guru. Mengajar di Madrasah Aliyah ada beberapa matapelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam, tentu kreativitas guru sangat dituntut agar kegiatan belajar mengajar tidak monoton dan terkesan membosankan. Variasi materi dan keahlian menggunakan media turut mendukung mutu pengajaran. Untuk itu isa kita lihat beberapa contoh Rencana Pelaksanaan Pengajaran agar lebih terencana dan tujuan secara kompetensi dasar bisa tercapai.
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